Storylines and characters

Rick Cabot's

It's Christmas time two young Afroamerican men, Peter and Anthony, rob a car and want to sell it. It's Rick Cabot's car. Rick is an ambitious and corrupt prosecutor. His wife, Jean, is scared of him. Peter and Anthony hide in Los Angeles where accidentally they run over a man. They abandon him in a nearby hospital.

Tom Hansen

Meanwhile in a different area the police stop a car with an Afroamerican couple in it, Cameron and Christine. The police ask them to show their papers. One of the policemen, Ryan, harasses the couple and takes advantage of the woman because he's angry for personal reasons and has had a bad day. The other policeman, called Tom Hansen, doesnt't like it and feels really bad about it. Christine gets really angry with her husband for not defending her.

Graham Waters
William Lewis
Ryan Thayer
Tom Hansen

On the other hand, detective Graham Waters and his colleague Ria, investigate a crime that has taken place in a wine&spirits shop. An Afroamerican policeman, William Lewis, has died there. Apparently he had a fight with a colleague : Conklin. Rick Cabot the prosecutor connects the robbery of his car with this incident and wants to find an Afroamerican guiltly one for it. Moreover, Tom Hansen the policeman doesn't want to continue with Ryan Thayer; to do this he has to admit that he has serious personal problems.


In a weapons shop, an angry Iranian buys a pistol to protect his shop which has been broken into. He hides the pistol in the shop while Daniel, a locksmith, is fixing the lock. He gets angry with Daniel too.


When Daniel arrives home, his daughter Lara is hiding under the bed because she has heard the sound of bullets outside. Daniel gives her a special coat that will protect her.

What 's the meaning of CRASH in the film?

People in the film meet and find themselves in difficult situations. It's like crashing into each other.

Menaning of crash
Menaning of crash....
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